Touring exhibition FEEL THE HOUSE
Saturday, 19.06.21 from 2-8 pm, parking lot Quartier am Hafen
FEEL THE HOUSE is a touring exhibition, organized and designed by the Chair of Building with Existing Structures and Building Construction at the University of Wuppertal under the direction of Prof. Georg Giebeler. A selection of photographic works from the Haus-Archiv collection is presented in an exhibition mobile.
Haus-Archiv is a collection of everyday architecture, selected and photographed by students from Bergische Universität Wuppertal, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wismar University of Applied Sciences and RWTH Aachen University. The collection includes over 500 photographs of buildings typical of the era. Prototypes that are exemplary for hundreds of similar houses. Sometimes, however, they are also unique specimens – strange loners that form a contrast to the everyday and have therefore found their place in the collection.
The bizarre, the banal, the everyday – the selection of motifs is up to the students and is sometimes based on longings, sometimes on memories, sometimes on aesthetic-architectural demands. The image conveys not only the architectural idea, but also its reception by the viewer. The bizarre is staged; the seemingly trivial detaches itself from the unnoticed. The image creates a feeling.
Stuffy, weird, brutal – with the traveling exhibition FEEL THE HOUSE, the works are now going on tour and invite visitors to join in. The photographs can be viewed and commented on. Stamps with different adjectives are used to “stamp” the buildings from a personal point of view and far from learned evaluation criteria.
The exhibition mobile will be visiting architecture faculties throughout Germany in October 2021. In advance, there will be the opportunity for a first insight at selected locations.
Further information, tour dates and an image gallery can be found at: